Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. It represents things connecting with systems, animals, people and other things usually using internet protocols (networking protocols).

Electronics, Hardware
Whether you are looking for a simple hardware design concept, adding features to an existing solution or need a complete design package DTP can support you with these tasks. We provide services for design, prototyping, test, certification support and maintenance of your electronic hardware products. Our services include a board support package, firmware, mass production test software, hardware drivers and application software.

Embedded systems are usually based on System on Chip (SoC) with integrated memory and peripheral interfaces but ordinary microprocessors using external chips for memory and peripheral interface circuits are also widely used.
We can distinguish two main areas of expertise for embedded systems:
- Embedded hardware design including digital and analogue system design, RF hardware design and PCB design.
- Embedded software development including high speed data processing, wireless communication and hardware drivers design.